Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank you to all who support us in various ways. You have allowed us the opportunity to lead a young man named Mauricio to the Lord this week after service. He has been in the center for 3 months and finally couldn't resist the calling any longer.

We are currently looking for a new center location, again. There have been several robberies where near where we are currently located so the landlord wants us out. It is possible that it was someone who used to be in the center who is committing these crimes.

I have begun teaching a theology class once a week, and I'm thinking about attaching a link to view these notes. They are rather extensive but may be valuable to look through. We started with the doctrine of the Word of God, and we are now going to spending two weeks on the doctrine of God. This would include: God's existence, knowability, character (incommunicable and communicable attributes), the Trinity, Creation, Providence, Miracles, Prayer, Angels, and Satan and Demons. As you can see, it's a lot of material. The above will take two weeks. The classes usually last about 2 and a half hours and that's going through it at a fast rate. The last two weeks have been the Doctrine of the word of God and included: the Word of God in different forms, canonization, authority, inerrancy, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency.

Please pray that the knowledge would promote us to love and good works and not to intellectual pride and callousness.